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- 20-03-2025 - 580-Confdl-2025(Vacancy of Vice-Chairman (Judicial) and Judicial Member in Railway Claims Tribunal (RCT).17-03-2025 - Notification along with list of candidates, found Eligible and In-eligible to appear in Main Written Examination for recruitment to the post of Junior Judicial Translator (High Court) year-202417-03-2025 - Notification regarding the nomination of a ‘Designated Authority’ in compliance of the judgment of Abhimeet Sinha and Others Vs. High Court of Judicature at Patna and Others, passed in Writ Petition (C) No. 251/2016 of the Hon’ble Supreme Court of India.11-03-2025 - 551-Confdl-2025 (Vacancy of Presiding Officer in National Industrial Tribunal)21-01-2025 - Notification alongwith proposed model answers of General English & Computer Knowledge questions of Shift-1 & Shift-2 and format for submitting objection(s) of Online Examination for recruitment to the post of Junior Judicial Assistant (High Court) year-202410-12-2024 - Notice regarding date of online examination for recruitment to the posts of Junior Judicial Assistant (High Court) year-202406-12-2024 - Notification alongwith proposed model answers and format for submitting objection(s), regarding Online Preliminary Exam for recruitment to the post of Junior Judicial Translator(High Court) year-2024.13-11-2024 - Notice regarding date of online preliminary examination for the recruitment to the post of Junior Judicial Translator (High Court) -202403-10-2024 - Advertisement for recruitment to 40 posts of Junior Judicial Assistant (High Court) year-202418-09-2024 - Advertisement for recruitment to the 45 posts of Junior Judicial Translator (High Court) year-202401-09-2024 - Notice along with proposed model answers of General English & Computer Knowledge questions of Departmental Examination for promotion from amongst Class-IV employees to the post of Junior Judicial Assistant of High Court of Madhya Pradesh-2024 with format for submitting objection14-08-2024 - Notification regarding Departmental Examination for promotion from amongst Class-IV employees of the establishment to the post of Junior Judicial Assistant of High Court of Madhya Pradesh-2024 alongwith list of eligible candidates19-07-2024 - Notice seeking information and documents on prescribed proforma/form through online link, to ascertain the eligibility in terms of The Madhya Pradesh Judicial Service (Recruitment and Conditions of Service) Rules, 1994, in compliance of order dated 13.06.2024 passed by Hon'ble High Court of Madhya Pradesh in Review Petition No. 620/2024.08-07-2024 - Proposed Model Answers/Keys of First Question Paper for Promotion to the post of District Judge (Entry Level) through Limited Competitive Exam-2024
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