- 24-03-2025 "Corrigendum" relating to the Application Form of Junior Judicial Assistant (High Court) -2024 along with updated proforma of Application Form.
- 21-03-2025 Notification along-with Result of Online Examination for recruitment to the post of Junior Judicial Assistant (High Court) Year-2024 and proforma of Application form.
- 21-03-2025 Notification comprising list of candidates who have been found eligible and In-eligible for Main Written Examination to the post of Junior Judicial Translator (High Court) year-2024 in compliance of order dated 20.03.2025 passed in Writ Petitions Nos. 10290/2025 and 10336/2025.
- 20-03-2025 Notification along with Order dated 20.03.2025 passed in Writ Petitions Nos. 10290/2025 and 10336/2025 with respect to extension of time for filing application for Main Written Exam for the post of Junior Judicial Translator (High Court) year-2024 to be held on 23.03.2025
- 20-03-2025 Order dated 20.03.2025 passed in Writ Petitions Nos. 10290/2025 and 10336/2025 with respect to extension of time for filing application for Main Written Exam for the post of Junior Judicial Translator (High Court) year-2024 to be held on 23.03.2025
- 17-03-2025 Notification along with list of candidates, found Eligible and In-eligible to appear in Main Written Examination for recruitment to the post of Junior Judicial Translator (High Court) year-2024
- 17-03-2025 Notification regarding the nomination of a ‘Designated Authority’ in compliance of the judgment of Abhimeet Sinha and Others Vs. High Court of Judicature at Patna and Others, passed in Writ Petition (C) No. 251/2016 of the Hon’ble Supreme Court of India.
- 28-02-2025 Final Result of District Judge (Entry Level) under Rule 5(1)(b) through Limited Competitive Exam-2024 of one candidate, whose name was deferred by the Hon’ble Full Court.
- 21-01-2025 Notification alongwith proposed model answers of General English & Computer Knowledge questions of Shift-1 & Shift-2 and format for submitting objection(s) of Online Examination for recruitment to the post of Junior Judicial Assistant (High Court) year-2024
- 06-12-2024 Notification alongwith proposed model answers and format for submitting objection(s), regarding Online Preliminary Exam for recruitment to the post of Junior Judicial Translator(High Court) year-2024.