ILR issues are available in Digitized form.Click on a Tab to Select Particular find method to refine your Search.

Word Search

There are two methods to search by word - Complete Text and Individual word.

Find by ILR Citation

This is the another option to search a ILR case by ILR Details like Year, Page Number, Volume and Part Number.

Find by Act - Section

We can search cases by entering the Act and Section attached with the case.

Find by Head Note

ILR contains a head note part so we can search cases by Head Note Text.

Find by Case Number

This method used to search a case by giving the case number - City (Court Name/Bench), Case Number, Nature of Case and Year.

Find by Judge Name

This method is used to search cases of any Hon'ble judge by entering the name judge and decision date (optional).

Find by Party Name

This Method of search is used to find cases by Name of party (Petitioner/Respondent/Both)

Advanced Search

This is a unique searching method to find cases by giving multiple parameters like ILR Year, Act-Section, Judge Name, Party Name and Free Text.